Welcome to the unforgettable ski area LES SYBELLES
Are you passionate about skiing and snowboarding? Whether you're a beginner or an expert, Les Sybelles® awaits you. With 136 runs and spectacular views of the Alps, buy your ski pass and enjoy unforgettable days skiing in the most secret of ski areas.
I ski for the season
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Our top ski passes

The credo of the Sybelles® ski area is to offer a leisure activity accessible to as many people as possible, in 6 welcoming resorts on a human scale.

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Sybelles day pass

from 29€/person

Make the most of our 136 slopes for a day with our Sybelles 1-day ski pass. Speical offer on Saturdays : 29€ / day !

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Saturday Special Offer


Good plan to share : take advantage of the Sybelles day pass at €29 every Saturday of the season and hit the 136 slopes of the area!

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Sybelles 6 day-pass

From €238.50/person

The essential of your winter holidays !

Sybelles Events

Notre nouvelle piste de ski tout juste ouverte…

Nom de l'évenement

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Les sybelles ski area

The credo of the Sybelles® ski area is to offer a leisure activity accessible to as many people as possible, in 6 welcoming resorts on a human scale.


Les Sybelles - L'Ouillon 2400m